On Fri, 13 Jul 2012 11:03:02 -0400, Bill Hoffman said:

>I am guessing some of the tools will not run without proper environments 
>set.  So, running the command line compilers will not work by doing lots 
>of calls to xcrun -find....  Think, ld, ar, gcc, g++, cfront, and all 
>the other stuff you need to run a compiler and cmake on the mac.   I 
>think we will have to take the stance that we do on windows, you have to 
>run cmake from a shell that is setup to run the compiler.

Perhaps, I'm not enough of a shell nor cmake expert to say...

>Is there an xcvars?

Not that I know of.  That would be analogous to...?  What would it do?  

For now, I've created this bug:

CMake should support default installation of Xcode.app only, without 'command 
line tools' extras

Relatedly, on my new-from-the-store Mac Mini, I'm getting two test failures:

both because the tests can't find PackageMaker.  Indeed, PackageMaker is no 
longer part of the default Xcode.app, nor is it installed as part of the 
'command line tools' but rather part of the separate 'auxiliary tools' (there 
are about 7 stupid installers for all these separate things now).

Perhaps these tests should only be run conditional on the presence of 
PackageMaker instead of allowed to fail hard?


Sean McBride, B. Eng                 s...@rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada


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