On Wednesday 18 July 2012, Svenskmand wrote:
> Hello :)
> I am one of the developers of OpenDungeons a FOSS RTS game inspired by
> Dungeon Keeper. I am trying to cross-compile our game on Ubuntu 12.04 for
> Windows (XP, Vista and 7), but I have run into some trouble.
> SVN/mediaSource/ODLinuxBuildScripts/build_dir/CEGUI/lib".  Targets may link
> only to libraries.  CMake is dropping the item.
> WARNING: Target "OpenDungeons" requests linking to directory
> "/home/ckr/Documents/OD
> SVN/mediaSource/ODLinuxBuildScripts/build_dir/OgreSDK_mingw_v1-7-2/lib/rele
> ase". Targets may link only to libraries.  CMake is dropping the item.
> -- Generating done
> -- Build files have been written to: /home/ckr/Documents/OD
> SVN/mediaSource/ODLinuxBuildScripts/build_dir/opendungeons-0.4.9
> Which I am not sure are important or not (but that is not my question for
> now).

Can you try to produce a small testcase which you can post here ?
I have never seen that message before.


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