On 2012-08-21 20:00:44 +0000, Clifford Yapp said:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Randolph M. Fritz <rfr...@lbl.gov> wrote:

What problems did your solutions address?  I've skimmed them, but am not
sure I understand them.  I'd also be interested in hearing from anyone else
who has done this, and even people who have done it on Windows systems.

In our specific case, the problem was "we have a Mac with both a
system X11 and a MacPorts/Fink X11 - mixing and matching is Not Good,
so get FindX11 to avoid mixing them."

It's a variant of the same problem I'm having.

The basic idea is to forbid CMake from searching Fink/MacPorts paths
for libraries if they are disabled.  […]

I did something much simpler; on my Mac running I constrained the searches to look in /usr/X11. Unfortunately, I doubt this will work on all versions of MacOS.

This could be extended by providing a variable which told the scripts where to look, so that, if I want a build which used the Fink or MacPorts X11, I would specify that path.

Am I correct that the find_library command does not search the paths in the order given? Or do I misunderstand it?

On another subject, is there a convention for specifying features that I may or may not want built? Say, use Qt or not?
Randolph M. Fritz • rfr...@lbl.gov
Environmental Energy Technologies Division • Lawrence Berkeley Labs


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