On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Eric Noulard <eric.noul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Like I said even if the new file is a "cpp" file, should CMake add
> it to add_executable or add_library or...

If different C++ source files have different purposes, I would put
them in different directories.

> I know that you want to specify the "to be added" file spec using
> a GLOB expression but then what we may need currently would be
> a mechanism to cleanly trigger the refresh or the list of file.
> FILE(GLOB ...) was not meant for that.

That's okay, I'm happy to trigger the refresh by deleting and
re-creating the build directory. CMake seems to work fine for this as
it currently stands. My biggest concern right now is the various
problems with correctly finding and linking with boost, which is what
I wanted cmake for in the first place.

> Just curious,
> Are you currently moving a lot of project to CMake?

No, just one project.

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