I'm VERY sorry to bug you guys!

I just realized that this is an issue with the midnight commander. It is
not reading inside tarballs correctly. But CPack is creating the tarball

Sorry again,

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Marcus Bartholomeu

> Hi all,
> I'm having an issue to use CPack with big file paths. I have cmake-2.8.9.
> I built a very simple testcase to show this issue. These are the files in
> the project:
> ./CMakeLists.txt
> ./control/examples/path-with-very-long-length/some_file2.txt
> ./control/examples/path-with-very-long-length/to-test-if-it-breaks-the-cpack/a-little-bit-more-characters-to-make-it-big/ok-that-is-enough.txt
> ./control/examples/some_file.txt
> All files are empty, unless for the CMakeLists.txt, of course. It has the
> following:
> ---------------------
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
> project (bugtest)
> install(DIRECTORY control/ DESTINATION control)
> include (InstallRequiredSystemLibraries)
> include (CPack)
> ---------------------
> As a simple way to create the other empty files, we can use the following
> commands:
>      mkdir
> -p 
> control/examples/path-with-very-long-length/to-test-if-it-breaks-the-cpack/a-little-bit-more-characters-to-make-it-big
>      touch control/examples/some_file.txt
>      touch control/examples/path-with-very-long-length/some_file2.txt
>  touch 
> control/examples/path-with-very-long-length/to-test-if-it-breaks-the-cpack/a-little-bit-more-characters-to-make-it-big/ok-that-is-enough.txt
> The 2 files with smaller paths goes to the expected locations under
>      <tar_root>/bugtest-0.1.1/
> but the file with the bigger path gets part of the path stripped and loose
> the initial "bugtest-0.1.1" directory, going to:
> <tar_root>/to-test-if-it-breaks-the-cpack/a-little-bit-more-characters-to-make-it-big/ok-that-is-enough.txt
> I'm building and packaging it with the commands:
>      cmake ../bugtest
>      cpack -C CPackConfig.cmake -G TGZ
> Can someone help me to find out if it is a bug or how to fix it?
> Thanks for any help,
> Marcus

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