2012/11/19 Boards Killer <boards.kil...@gmail.com>:
> Hi CMake Community !
> I am writing a CMake toolchain to cross compile our CMake project with the
> Ubuntu ARM Linux toolchain. The CMake toolchain is given below.
> I am facing the following problem. When using:
> The libraries (lssl, lcrypto) are *not* found. There are actually located at
> I thought that adding a LINK_DIRECTORIES to the toolchain would do the
> trick, but no avail.

I'm pretty sure LINK_DIRECTORIES should not be used in toolchain
if not use at all.

The purpose of find_package is precisely to find the full path to libraries
thus not to need to use "LINK_DIRECTORIES".

> What is the best way to tell CMake where to find the libraries? Should I set
> the path manually in the toolchain, for instance.

Nope. you shoud throw away
from your toolchain

and then retry in order to see what happen with find_package(OpenSSL)
proper setting of

CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH* should makes it possible for FindOpenSSL to find
the lib.

By the way, which version of CMake are you using?
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