Thanks - that seemed to work. I was under the impression I could specify
where I wanted the .c file to go with the 2nd argument. I had tried this
way before, but i didnt notice I think I had a syntax error in my .l file
causing the compile to not complete.



On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Eric Noulard <>wrote:

> 2012/12/17 Derek Cole <>
>> Replying to fix the subject
>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Derek Cole <> wrote:
>>>    I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong when trying to use
>>> just flex in a Cmake file to build a shared lib.
>>> i basically have the following
>>> find_package(FLEX)
>>> FLEX_TARGET(Test ../src/test.l ../src/test.c)set(SRC_FILES mysource.c 
>>> ${FLEX_Test_OUTPUTS})
>>> add_libary(testlib ${SRC_FILES})
>>> target_link_libraries(testlib crypto c ${FLEX_LIBRARIES})
>>> this is giving me a problem saying it cant find ../src/test.c
> Could you try using absolute path for FLEX output:
> FLEX_TARGET(Test ../src/test.l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test.c)
>  any ideas how I can make sure Lex ran first? secondly,how can i pass my
>>> -L and -d options to lex (like I am doing in my normal, pre-cmake version
>>> of this makefile)
> the FLEX_TARGET macro should be printing something out when running.
> --
> Erk
> Le gouvernement représentatif n'est pas la démocratie --

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