2013/1/20 Ian Monroe <i...@monroe.nu>

> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Ian Monroe <i...@monroe.nu> wrote:
> > Yea I guess I could do install(CODE...) and then a file(GLOB...) would
> > actually work.
> Actually not so sure how to do it, since if I write something like this:
> install( CODE "file(GLOB installedLibrares
>                execute_process(COMMAND strip ${installedLibrares})
>         ")
> It will only affect the files that were make installed, not the files
> used by CPack, correct? Since I don't know how to access those files,
> CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX doesn't change during CPack-time even though it
> installs somewhere else.

What do you mean by
"It will only affect the files that were make installed
  not the files used by CPack" ?

CPack does call "cmake -P cmake_install.cmake" so
**all files** packaged by CPack are somehow **installed** previously.

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has a CPack-time value which is set by CPack
when installing file on the CPack-private location so you should escape it
in order to prevent its evaluation at CMake-time, i.e.

install( CODE "file(GLOB installedLibrares
               execute_process(COMMAND strip ${installedLibrares})

should work even if I'd rather create a script
and do
install(SCRIPT strip-all-installed-files.cmake)

then the content of "strip-all-installed-files.cmake" does not need

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