2013/1/29 Pradeep Jha <pradeep.kumar....@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I installed cmake without ncurses. It is version and CentOS 5.4
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root@83 cmake-]# cmake --version
> cmake version
> [root@83 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
> CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I did actually download my cmake from the link that you sent me
> (http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html).
> But now that I have installed cmake, how do I rebuild it including ccmake?
> And I have no idea why I am using bootstrap. I was just following the
> instructions. Is there any other way around?

Once you have a working CMake you can build cmake with the already built cmake.

This is what "bootstrap" is supposed to do automatically, but since it fails
you can try "by hand".

1) untar the cmake source you have
    tar zxvf  cmake-

2) create a build directory and configure cmake source

    mkdir build
    cd  build
    /path/to/already/working/cmake ../cmake-

if ncurses is not found try to specify the location of your ncurses lib:

-DCURSES_NCURSES_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/libncurses.so.5 ../cmake-

If this fails again, try

 /path/to/already/working/cmake --trace --debug-output
../cmake- &> cmake-run.out

and send us the cmake-run.out file.

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