Howdy folks,

Thought I'd ping the CMake mailing lists one last time before I have to
give up ""... ;-)

For those of you that haven't heard yet, I've just embarked on a new
adventure with a little startup company called Neocis Inc.

I'll still be a big huge fan (and user) of CMake, and will take "the way of
the source" with me wherever I go from now on. Heck, I bet you'll even see
some commits coming from my direction now and again.

CMake is too awesome not to use: it tries to take on the monumental, nearly
impossible task of abstracting software build systems for dozens of
platforms, and keep up to date with the new ones that come out, and does a
quite admirable job. I trust this community will continue to provide
stable, reliable, regular releases of CMake well into the future. In fact,
I'm counting on it.

"So long and thanks for all the..." ...patches!

David Cole
(still sorta reachable via

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