On 2013-01-31 01:19, Leif Walsh wrote:
In CTestCustom.cmake, I use CTEST_CUSTOM_MEMCHECK_IGNORE and
CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE to turn some long-running tests on and off (on
for nightlies, off for development test cycles).

I recently broke apart a rather large shell script that was used to run a
test under many scenarios into something like

   foreach (a 0 1)
     foreach (b 0 1)
       foreach (c 0 1)
         add_test(NAME big_test_${a}${b}${c} COMMAND big_test ${a} ${b} ${c})
       endforeach (c)
     endforeach (b)
   endforeach (a)

...you get the idea.  It generates somewhere in the realm of 2000 test
cases.  Now they run in parallel, which is great, but I can no longer turn
off this suite of tests easily.

It would be great to do something like


Is this or something like it supported?

Well, since we're talking about regular expressions, the "list separator" is '|'. Have you tried:



(Supporting an *actual* list of regular expressions seems like a nice enhancement request, but hopefully the above can work around it for now.)



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