On Sat, May 04, 2013 at 05:12:14AM -0700, Leif Walsh wrote:
>    cmake --build . -- -jN
>    Extra args after -- are passed through to the build tool. Doesn't work if
>    the tool expects something different though. 

Ah, cool (took note to improve my script).
While -- is some pretty standard mechanism,
CMake usage screen (dito man page! Likely same info source...)
does not explicitly document it, though
(will add docs, currently doing that anyway).

It's of course somewhat bitter to have a nice tool-abstracted
--build mechanism yet then still having to know tool-specific
parameters in a script. Talk about incomplete abstraction.

>    I think the colors and carriage returns (without line feeds) are lost
>    because the build tool sees its controlling terminal is cmake, not a real
>    terminal program capable of showing color or redrawing, so it doesn't
>    output them. Cmake may be logging this stuff too (to send to cdash for
>    example) so this is kind of a responsible choice. 

Indeed, that possibly gets decided via the controlling terminal's features.

Andreas Mohr

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