Hi Paul.

Look up "generator expressions" in the CMake docs (for example in
"add_custom_command"), particularly $<CONFIGURATION>. It might help in
solving your issue.


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Paul Smith <p...@mad-scientist.net> wrote:

> No love for this question apparently :-/
> I tried to implement the suggestion in the mailing list post below, and
> it works fine with UNIX makefiles.
> But, on other generators such as Xcode and MSVC there's a major problem
> that I don't know how to solve.  The post suggests forcing a new target
> like this:
>   add_custom_target(stage_install ALL
> "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake")
> which is fine for generators that don't use build types.  However for
> generators that do use build types, I don't know how to pass the build
> type into the cmake command.
> I found that cmake_install.cmake is reading ${BUILD_TYPE}, so I can add
> -DBUILD_TYPE=... to the $(CMAKE_COMMAND} in the stage_install target
> above if I can figure out what "..." should be.
> So when I run, for example, "xcodebuild build -configuration Debug", how
> do I write that custom target command so it can find the configuration
> name "Debug" that xcodebuild was invoked with?
> Basically all I can do now is hardcode the build type at cmake time, so
> if you want to use a different build type you must re-run cmake with a
> different -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= flag :-/.
> On Fri, 2013-05-24 at 11:41 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> > Hi all;
> >
> > We have a large-ish set of cmake files building our project which
> > results in various executables, libraries, scripts, etc.  Currently
> > these are just left lying where they were created, and all our tests
> > etc. expect to find them there.
> >
> > Then we then have a subsequent script that we run to collect the build
> > products into a temporary staging area and create the installation
> > packages (RPMs, EXEs, etc.)  Then to run our tests on the packages we
> > have to put them in a mode where they expect to find things in those
> > "release" locations instead of the "build" location.
> >
> > This is annoying for many reasons and I want to change it so that the
> > build installs into the staging area, which has the same layout as the
> > package installation, then all our tests will use that layout and our
> > packager can just package up that staging area with little extra work.
> > I guess that the "install" capabilities of CMake are the right way to go
> > about it.
> >
> >
> > One major concern I have is that everyone has scripts, macros, etc.
> > which just run "make", or use XCode or MSVC with the default target.  If
> > I make this change, then when people forget and run the default target
> > instead of the "install" target they'll be running against the results
> > of a previous build (when they did run the "install" step), not the
> > results of the current build (where they forgot to run the "install"
> > step).  Much confusion and swearing will ensue.
> >
> > It doesn't take hardly any time to do the extra few file copies, so I
> > just want to ALWAYS install to the staging area after building.
> >
> > Is there a way to make it so that the "install" step is the default step
> > selected if you don't provide a different one?
> >
> > Or is CMake install capability not the right answer for this problem?
> >
> > Or, is a solution like this one:
> >
> > http://marc.info/?l=cmake&m=130365717914933&w=2
> >
> > still the recommended way to handle a situation like this?  Are there
> > more "official" solutions available?
> >
> > --
> >
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