On 2013-05-30 17:24, J Decker wrote:
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Matthew Woehlke
<matthew.woeh...@kitware.com> wrote:
Is there a built-in way to write a string to a file (a la FILE(WRITE)) that
will only write the file if the content would be different? (Or does
FILE(WRITE) already work this way despite no obvious hint in the
documentation that it does?)

Right now I am writing to a temporary file and running cmake -E
copy_if_different, then removing the temporary file, but this seems
inelegant and I am wondering if there is a better solution.

I would add a minor note; this seems to be a good way, but you don't
really need to delete the temp file, if you build it in the
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}, so it's not laying around in source trees.

Sure, but it offends my sense of tidiness to leave it ;-).

It would be nice if such a simple thing didn't require launching a
seperate instance of cmake to do; since it's already in cmake, would
think there would be a way to just 'EXEC( ... )' instead of 'cmake -E

As pointed out, configure_file would probably also do the job. What I was hoping for, however, was a solution where I don't have to much about with the temporary file myself.

I had two main reasons for posting: to ask if there was an elegant way to do this that I didn't know about (I haven't heard one), and at some point ('now', apparently) to inquire if this would be a useful addition to CMake. A file(WRITE_IF_DIFFERENT) perhaps?



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