I am using cmake 2.8.11 to build LLVM on 64-bit Linux. I am getting the following build error:
Scanning dependencies of target LLVMAArch64Utils make[2]: *** No rule to make target `lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64GenSubtargetInfo.inc', needed by `lib/Target/AArch64/Utils/CMakeFiles/LLVMAArch64Utils.dir/AArch64BaseInfo.cpp.o'. Stop. I have tried looking for both AArch64GenSubtargetInfo.inc and AArch64BaseInfo.cpp in the build directory but cannot find the files. Is it because that I need to add a 64bit patch to cmake? If so, can you please recommend me 64bit patch to cmake. If the problem is not because of 64bit compatibility, can someone suggest why I am getting this error and way to fix it. P.S. I was previously using cmake 2.8.6 to build LLVM on the same 64bit linux but was not getting this error.
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