Hi all,
I've setup a new build configuration called ReleaseLowOpt for a set of
projects we're developing.  Currently I have all the linker / compiler
options being set, my problem comes when I'm determining the set of
libraries to specify on the link line and which directory to pull them
from.  Our current structure is a large set of Core libraries that are
installed into a directory according to which build configuration it's
being built under (Debug / Release / ReleaseLowOpt).  For the executables
linking against these Core Libraries, we have a CMake function that goes
through the Core Library directories and enumerates them, adding each to
the linker line.

For instance, all libraries under %CoreInstallDirectory%/Debug/ will be put
into the Debug linker line for the executable, same process for the Release
configuration.  It does this through the *debug* and *optimized* keywords,
but now I need to specify them for the ReleaseLowOpt configuration.

I've been researching this for a little while and it seems that there are
certain Target properties I could use, like
IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_<config> , but I can't seem to get that
to make any difference in my link line.

As a separate topic, I'm curious to understand how Target properties play
into the greater structure of CMake, so I can make my code flow a bit

Thanks for your time,
Dan Sibbernsen

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