On 04.09.2014 21:50, Richard Shaw wrote:
I'm hoping I'm just missing something really obvious but I recently discovered the module GNUInstallDirs which is great. But I just tried converting over to it on one of my projects and although my system is definitely x86_64 the libraries are getting installed to lib not lib64.

I looked through the source and it seems the CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P is being used to make the determination.

I added a debug message to my project for CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P and it shows nothing, but per the module if it's not defined then it should show me a warning, however if I try:

$ cmake --system-information | grep SIZEOF_VOID_P

I get the right answer, but it's still installing to lib not lib64...

Any ideas?

Are you including the module before your first project() call?
project() sets up compilers and among other things runs the compile test that determines and sets CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P.


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