
we currently use CMake 3.3.x (x >= 2) on a C++ source code with Windows target only. In our company we're exclusively using Visual Studio (Version 2015 right now).

Since we're using remote debugging we have the following problem:

In order to set up Remote Debugging with VS, you have to edit the settings in the "Debugging" pane of the target prefs (a.k.a add_executable() target). These debugger settings are stored in a ".vcxproj.user" file, which is perfect, because these files don't get touched by the cmake generator.

However, in order to automatically deploy the target, one also has to set the "Deploy" checkmark in the "Configuration Manager" settings. Unfortunately, this setting is NOT saved in a user speciffic file. Instead it is saved in the main projects ".sln" file. (Thanks MS...).

I just downloaded the 'cmake' sources to check how the section where this information goes is generated. For WinCE builds there is already code that emits the right information into the solution file.

Now the best solution (for me) would be to add a target property that controls emiting this options. But I guess, this might not be an option that could be returned to the 'cmake' source tree, although I'd be willing to give it a try. (some info/references/pointers on how to do this are welcome)

Second best solution would be a script or mechanism that can post process the SLN file after it has been generated by cmake but FROM WITHIN the configure/generate process. Is that possible in any way?

Of course I know, that I could write some script in order to tweak the solution file after cmake is called, but I'd like to avoid this. I already made lot of use of additional options to shown up within CMakeGUI (which is really cool) and I'd like to be able to set some "ENABLE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING" switch of some sort so that this can be configured in one place.



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