When get_prerequisites() is not called, the build works correctly. So, did I do 
anything wrong?
get_prerequisites needs to be called at install time and not CMake time.

Look at install(CODE "")

Hello Bill,thank you for your answer. I guessed that this is the problem, but I didn't know about install(CODE ...) directive. Thank you!So, now I have used: install(CODE "include(GetPrerequisites) get_prerequisites(${LOC} PREREQS 0 0 \"\" \"\") message(\"---> prerequisites: ${PREREQS} for ${LOC}\") foreach(D in ${PREREQS}) message(\" >>> ${D}\") endforeach() " )ans it stopped to report the error - seems to work for the first look. However, there are no dependencies listed (at least under windows, where I need it primarily): Install the project... echo >nul && "C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -P cmake_install.cmake -- Install configuration: "Release" -- Installing: t:/smazat/x86_32_windows/./SpeechTechTTS_Python.dll ---> prerequisites: for T:/smazat/SpeechTechTTS_Python.dll >>>Manual invocation of 'dumpbin /dependents SpeechTechTTS_Python.dll' returns: Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 12.00.40629.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file SpeechTechTTS_Python.dll File Type: DLL Image has the following dependencies: expat.dll python27.dll KERNEL32.dll Summary 7000 .data 6E000 .rdata 7000 .reloc 1000 .rsrc 7E000 .text 2000 _RDATAWhy none of dependent DLL are listed, even when exclude_system option is set to 0?Thank you again,Dan

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