Am 08.01.2017 um 07:22 schrieb Saad Khattak:

When I run "find_package(VULKAN)" in a CMakeLists for a Visual Studio 2015 32-bit project, the ${Vulkan_LIBRARY} and ${Vulkan_LIBRARIES} variables both point to the "Bin" folder for the Vulkan installation instead of the "Bin32" folder.

I looked at the FindVulkan.cmake module and even put MESSAGE(STATUS ...) on the "elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4)" to see if I made a mistake setting up. The message does indeed print confirming that my pointer size is 4 and thus the current toolchain selected is 32 bit.

What's perplexing is that when I do a MESSAGE(STATUS ${Vulkan_LIBRARY}) the path is:

D:/VulkanSDK/ <>

instead of

D:/VulkanSDK/ <>

It makes no sense. Line 47 of FindVulkan.cmake has Bin32. Why is CMake ignoring 32?

You should think the other way around: Why should cmake look in a special directory, when it finds a library with an appropriate name before this one? This decision should be in the corresponding FindVulkan.cmake, i.e. the corresponding find_library call should be constrained to ${VULKAN_DIR}/Bin32 in the 32bit case.


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