2017-07-19 15:57 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvis.stans...@orexplore.com>:
> 2017-07-19 13:42 GMT+02:00 Roman Wüger <roman.wue...@gmx.at>:
>> The problem with BundleUtilities which Inder is that it doesn't support 
>> generator expressions.
>> Maybe I do something wrong?
>> But I need to specify the path to the executable (generator expression) and 
>> the paths where to look for dependencies. Right?

And right, if your dependencies are in some place not searched by
fixup_bundle by default, you need to supply those directories in the
third parameter ("dirs").

In my example below, both zlib and boost were in standard locations on
my system, so I didn't have to.


> You don't need to use a generator to fetch the executable path. You
> will know the path, since you installed the executable with
> install(..) :) I think most people essentially hardcode the executable
> path in their call to fixup_bundle(..).
> If you really want to, I think there is a way to use generator
> expressions, and that is to put the fixup_bundle(..) call in a
> separate file (say InstallStuff.cmake.in), and then process that file
> with file(GENERATE OUTPUT ...) [1] to produce InstallStuff.cmake with
> generator expressions evaluated and then use install(SCRIPT
> InstallStuff.cmake). But that's much too complicated IMHO, and I would
> avoid it.
> I made a minimal example that links against zlib and also the Boost
> library you mentioned:
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
> project(bundletest)
> find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
> find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem)
> add_executable(bundletest main.cpp)
> target_include_directories(bundletest PRIVATE ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}
> ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
> target_link_libraries(bundletest ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
> install(TARGETS bundletest
> )
> install(CODE "
>     function(gp_resolved_file_type_override resolved_file type_var)
>        set(\${type_var} local PARENT_SCOPE)
>     endfunction()
>     include(BundleUtilities)
>     fixup_bundle(\"\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/bundletest\" \"\" \"\")
> " COMPONENT Runtime)
> main.cpp:
> #include <iostream>
> #include <zlib.h>
> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
> using namespace boost::filesystem;
> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
>     // Pretend we're using zlib and Boost
>     deflateInit(0, 0);
>     std::cout << file_size(argv[1]) << std::endl;
>     return 0;
> }
> The overriding of the gp_resolved_file_type_override was necessary, to
> make it treat all libraries as local (otherwise it skips "system"
> libraries). See the docs for GetPrerequisites.
> Building/installing this with
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/bundletest_install ..
> make install
> produces:
> /home/estan/bundletest_install
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/bundletest
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libm.so.6
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libstdc++.so.6
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libc.so.6
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libz.so.1
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libpthread.so.0
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libboost_system.so.1.58.0
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libgcc_s.so.1
> /home/estan/bundletest_install/bin/libboost_filesystem.so.1.58.0
> I did the build on Ubuntu, and tested that it also runs in a clean
> Fedora 24 Docker container.
> Hope that helps some.
> Elvis
> [1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.9/command/file.html
>> Please, could you give me a hint?
>> Regards
>> Roman
>>> Am 19.07.2017 um 12:40 schrieb Elvis Stansvik 
>>> <elvis.stans...@orexplore.com>:
>>> 2017-07-19 10:24 GMT+02:00 Roman Wüger <roman.wue...@gmx.at>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have a project which depends on a self compiled 3rd party project (boost)
>>>> Boost is here only an example, there are other 3rd party libraries too.
>>>> If I call the "install" command on the target, then it would be packaged.
>>>> But how could I add the shared libraries and especially the links for the 
>>>> shared libraries?
>>>> E.g.:
>>>> libboost_filesystem.so -> libboost_filesystem.so.1.48.0
>>>> libboost_filesystem.so.1.48.0
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>> I think fixup_bundle() from BundleUtilities is what you want [1].
>>> We're using it to make our Windows and macOS installs standalone, but
>>> (I think) it should work on Linux as well.
>>> [1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.8/module/BundleUtilities.html
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Roman
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