On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Adam Getchell <adam.getch...@gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> If I want to use CMake to invoke my build system, I can use:
> # cmake -- build .
> What’s the syntax for invoking the build system installer from cmake, i.e.
> the equivalent of:
> # cmake -G Ninja .
> # ninja
> # ninja install
> I tried:
> # cmake -G Ninja .
> # cmake --build .
> # cmake --build . --target install

This should be correct. Did this not work for you?

If its somewhere in the manual, I’d appreciate pointers.

Which part were you looking for? The use of --target is documented as part
of the Build Tool Mode
section, but it seems you've already figured out that part. There's nothing
technically special about the install target as far as I'm aware, you
should be able to refer to it as a build target like you've done above.

Craig Scott
Melbourne, Australia

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