Hello CMake community, I am observing a strange problem regarding dependencies to static libs in executables. I am not entirely sure but it seems this started since I upgraded to the 3.11 line. I am using Windows and MSVC14.
Basically, my code base contains a number of static libraries that are linked together to a few executables. Very basic and down to earth. Like this: set(MY_SERVER_SRC ServerSource1.cpp ServerSource2.cpp ) set(MY_SERVER_HDR ServerConfig.hpp Header1.hpp Header2.hpp ) add_library(my_server STATIC ${MY_SERVER_SRC} ${MY_SERVER_HDR}) target_link_libraries(my_server some_tools some_base ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES} ) add_executable(serverd main.cpp) target_link_libraries(serverd my_server some_tools some_base ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES} ) So a few big libs with the beef in them and then a small main.cpp containing executable. Nothing fancy. What gives me trouble now is that dependencies within that seem broken. In above example, when I edit ServerSource1.cpp and then hit "Build", I see ServerSource1.o being compiled and the library my_server being linked. Like expected. Problem is, serverd does not get linked. Or at least I see no hint of it being linked (In MSVC's output window). So, my question is: What could cause this? I there anything 3.11.x does differently which causes those dependecies to break? And how can I fix this? This is quickly turning into a major problem for us here as it means that we cannot reliably build anymore because whenever we change something and hit build we can't be sure we get a linked executable anymore unless we do a complete rebuild, which takes a long time (In fact, I wrote this message waiting for one). Thanks for any hint! Stephan
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