Hello! You may try to perform some "caching" actions yourself: store some kind of a checksum for the archive with the downloaded sources and only build ExternalProject if the checksum changes or if there is no previously built ExternalProject with the same checksum. It is also possible to only store checksum for the archive link if it is guaranteed to be different for different dependency versions.
Here <https://gitlab.com/UtilityToolKit/utk.cmake/blob/master/utk_cmake_package.cmake#L76> is an ugly implementation of a similar logic for downloaded project. Best regards, Innokentiy -- Sent from: http://cmake.3232098.n2.nabble.com/ -- Powered by www.kitware.com Please keep messages on-topic and check the CMake FAQ at: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ Kitware offers various services to support the CMake community. For more information on each offering, please visit: CMake Support: http://cmake.org/cmake/help/support.html CMake Consulting: http://cmake.org/cmake/help/consulting.html CMake Training Courses: http://cmake.org/cmake/help/training.html Visit other Kitware open-source projects at http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe: https://cmake.org/mailman/listinfo/cmake