You are right, the fixup bundle is difficult to use. Here are some
undocumented tips:

Put the install(CODE) with the fixup_bundle() call in a CMakeLists.txt in
its own directory. In your main CMakeLists.txt file, add this directory
with add_subdirectory() last. This install(CODE) will run after all the
other install directive, otherwise the fixup_bundle() might run before
other targets are installed.

The main thing is to build the library path variable. Yes, this information
can be recovered from the target itself, but fixup_bundle() won't gather
that info for you. Here is an example with Qt:

get_target_property(QT_CORE_LIB Qt5::Core LOCATION)

get_filename_component(QT_RUNTIME_DIR "${QT_CORE_LIB}" DIRECTORY)


If you are using VTK, there is already a variable:


You might as well run windeployqt (and similar tool for other platforms)
inside install(CODE) script if you have a Qt app, such that the styles and
the plugins and other stuff gets copied.

execute_process(COMMAND windeployqt.exe --release \"\${MAIN_APP}\")

Workaround wrong tool detection using MinGW on Windows:


  set(GP_TOOL "objdump")


install(CODE "\



  set(gp_tool \"${GP_TOOL}\")

  fixup_bundle(\"\${MAIN_APP}\" \"\" \"${LIBS_PATH}\")


And there is the escaping... You have to escape quotes inside
the script. Escape the '$' sign if you want to refer to the
variable at install time. Remember that you don't have access

to configure-time variables at install time. Unescaped '$' prefix

will be replaced by its value at configure time, somewhat like

a macro or a template.

To see the generated script, look into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} with

the directory name corresponding to the CMakeLists.txt containing

the install(CODE). Example:


-> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/bundle/cmake_install.cmake

You can check the generated script, its very

handy when things go wrong.

Also, it is easier to put all libraries and binaries in their

own directory. I have this near the begining of my project's





If you have some library that you don't want in your bundle,

you might want to disable install for it, for instance,

google test:

add_subdirectory(3rdparty/googletest/ EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)

I'm using "ntldd.exe -R" on Windows to check the dependencies manually

(its very much like ldd on Linux). It is much more handy than

dependency walker.

Fixup_bundle is not magical either. The library dependencies must be

known beforehand. It means that if you do some dlopen() tricks at

runtime, fixup_bundle() cannot know that and you will have to install

these libraries manually yourself. One notable example of this is

Intel MKL using the Single Dynamic Library (mkl_rt). Using this

library entry point simplifies the linking and will load the

best library at runtime depending on the hardware. Fixup_bundle() will

copy only mkl_rt and you have to copy the other mkl libraries to

avoid runtime error.

Fixup bundle is tricky to put in place, but having a fixed list

of libraries to copy is even more cumbersome and flaky. When

supplied with the proper directories, the bundle is right every time.


Le sam. 16 févr. 2019 à 04:04, Andreas Naumann <> a
écrit :

> Dear CMakers,
> recently I tried to bundle an application in Windows. From the
> documentation [1] I see that I should provide the directories to the
> non-system libraries.
> But these information should be already in the properties of the
> targets, arent they? Is there any extension in cmake, that provides
> these paths?
> How do other users handle dependencies to external dlls?
> [1]
> Regards,
> Andreas
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