OK, i don't realy understand why it does work but i got it working:

macro(bsMergeFlags flags_to_add flags)
    set(flags_to_add ${flags_to_add} ${ARGN} )

    message(STATUS "bsMergeFlags ${flags_to_add}")
    list(APPEND flags ${tmp})
    message(STATUS "------------")

Now my problem is that the content of flags_to_add is correct when i use
cmake_print_variables but not when i try to use it in a message() call.

I think i do miss some very important part when it comes to variables -
i'm now studying the hole chapter again, hopefully i understand it then.

I hope you guys can help me.

best regards!

On 09.06.19 08:26, Steven Truppe wrote:
ARGV1 gives me the first list entry of my first arguments, but i don't
know how i can access the hole list.

best regards!

On 09.06.19 07:20, Steven Truppe wrote:
Do i need cmake_parse_arguments ??

On 09.06.19 07:01, Steven Truppe wrote:
Hi everyone,

i'm a c,c++,asm and a few other languages, but i still have troubles
with macros and their arguments.

As a simple example i would like to have a macro that list(APPEND the
two passed arguments), here the code i tried:


Let's forget about the list(APPEND) line, i just need an example that
prints me out the first and the second argument and i'm not able to get
it right. Would someone please explain to me how i can do this right ?
I've read the book but that didn't helped me completely.

I hope someone here is so nice to me to explain to me how i can write
the bsMergeFlags macro and explains me what i'm doing wrong and how to
correct it.

I played around alot but can't get it right.

best regards!


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