On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 8:24 AM Theodore Hall <twh...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Greetings,
>   set_target_properties(target PROPERTIES
>     IMPORTED_LOCATION location
>     IMPORTED_IMPLIB implib
>   )
> Is there a way to assign more than one directory to
> INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ?  The property name is plural, but every
> attempt I've made to specify more than one directory has failed.  CMake
> complains that either: I've passed the wrong number of arguments; or
> concatenates all of them into one path which of course doesn't exist.

> I've found a work-around using
>   target_include_directories (target
>     INTERFACE directory1
>     INTERFACE directory2
>   )
> It just seems odd that a property with a plural name accepts only a
> singular value.  I feel like I'm missing something.  I've tried wrapping
> multiple directories in various kinds of brackets and quotes and separating
> them with ; or , instead of whitespace.  (This is Windows, so : isn't a
> path separator; the system PATH variable uses ; as the separator.)

OPTION A: Put quotes around a semi-colon separated string if using

set_target_properties(target PROPERTIES
    INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "directory1;directory2"

OPTION B: List multiple directories after just one INTERFACE keyword if
using target_include_directories():

  target_include_directories (target
    INTERFACE directory1 directory2

Either option should work for all platforms, but note that option A will
overwrite any previous contents of INTERFACE_INCLUDED_DIRECTORIES whereas
option B will append to any previous contents. For that reason, I'd
generally recommend option B.

Craig Scott
Melbourne, Australia

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