I'm using the Motif version of snd, I think (at least there's a gui, so I 
suppose that's what it is...), and stdio seems to work just fine if I send a 
command through a pipe to snd, which in turn spits out a return value to 
stdout. The main problem right now is how to make the repl work as it's 
supposed to, i.e. keeping the connection alive and being a, you know, repl :-). 
Does snd spit out anything like a prefix or exit code or something through 
stdout when evaluating an expression, in addition to the return value?

Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
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On 13 Jun 2023  10:25, b...@ccrma.stanford.edu wrote:
>I'm glad you found that -- I was puzzling my way through the
>conjure docs -- I know nothing about conjure or neovim.
>Another possible problem might be which snd repl you're
>using. If you're running the no-gui snd, it's the code
>in repl.scm, but I'm not sure which repl is running in
>this case -- there's an ominous comment in repl.scm
>"TODO: restore support for the pipe case" -- I don't
>know what this refers to. In the Motif snd, XtAppAddInput
>in snd-motif.c makes it possible for snd to get input
>from stdin.

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