Hi all,

After saying that old clm-5 never failed on compiling i decided to make a change on my set up and compile clm-5 (on sblc/ubuntu) with-jack and i ran into this problem:

While evaluating the form starting at line 558, column 0 of
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001348003}>:
  Error opening shared object "xxxxxx/clm-5/libclm.so":
  xxxxxx/clm-5/libclm.so: undefined symbol: jack_port_type.

(xxxxxx just replace the all path....i deleted to make shorter for reading)

At first glance one gets the impression that the compiler does not find jack_port_type, so perhaps it is a problem to read /usr/include/jack/jack.h, i also tried to set explicitly -includedir=  but.... Since snd and clm share some basic code, I compiled snd-24.1 with jack without any kind of problem. I noticed a difference in the two configuration files, snd uses ALSA+JACK while clm only JACK, but I don't think it is relevant.
Does anybody has or still using  clm-5 with-jack?
Any tip would be appreciated.


*Marco Trevisani*
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