Hi Trey,

  My husband had a few high RDW values when he first started Gleevec
and then the RDW normalized and has stayed normal for 3 years.  Since
you started Gleevec not so long ago, maybe with time, yours will become

  RDW is red cell distribution width, it looks at the variation in size
of the red blood cells.  And higher number means greater variation in
size.  High RDW without other erythrocyte indices being affected can be
associated with vitamin B12 deficiency but I guess your doc has checked
that.  Also, folate deficiency.  Many Gleevec patients I know take
folic acid prescribed by their doctors.  It helps in the production of
blood cells.  Gleevec does inhibit C-kit and can suppress red blood
cell production.


  Interestingly, there was a study of RDW done on Gleevec patients and
presented in the last ASH meeting.  The doctors found that RDW will
normalize with time.  I have given the abstract below.

  Hope your RDW goes down with time.  Let us know your 6 month BMB
results, and good luck.

Best Wishes,
caregiver to Roy
d/x Jan 2002
400mg Gleevec
CCR Sep 2002

[4882] Hematologic Remission of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia after
Treatment with Imatinib Includes Normalization of the Red Cell
Distribution Width. Session Type: Publication Only

Joel David Bessman, Maria Montoya Internal Medicine
(Hematology-Oncology), University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston,

After treatment with imatinib, the majority of patients with chronic
myelogenous leukemia (CML) achieve hematologic remission. This includes
normalization of blood counts (red cells, white cells, and platelets)
normalization of the white cell differential, and disappearance of
abnormal immature cells from the peripheral blood. However, abnormal
erythropoiesis may be more subtle than abnormal red cell counts. We
reviewed two other indices of erythropoiesis, the mean cell volume
(MCV) and the red cell distribution width (RDW). We studied 15 patients
with a diagnosis of CML confirmed by BCR-ABL, in whom the first-line
therapy was imatinib. Treatment dosage varied from 400 - 800 mg/day.
Pre-treatment, all patients had an elevated white cell count, 14 of 15
had a low hemoglobin, and 11 of 15 had an abnormal high platelet count.
None had an abnormal MCV (mean, 91.3, range 82 - 97), and 13 of 15 had
an abnormal RDW (mean 16.2, range 14.1 - 19.2). After treatment was
started, all 15 achieved a normal white cell count, hemoglobin, and
platelet count within 3 months. All continued to have a normal MCV,
with no apparent change (mean 92.1, range 82 - 98). However, after
treatment 14 of 15 developed a normal RDW (mean 13.7, range 12.0 -
15.2). The RDW progressively declined during the first 3 months after
treatment and reached an asymptote at that time. We conclude that
hematopoiesis normalizes qualitatively as well as quantitatively after
successful imatinib therapy of CML. Future study will determine whether
an isolated elevated RDW will predict relapse or briefer duration of

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