Hi all
I just celebrated my 2nd anniversary on June 4th. I went into complete remission in March this year. I am in Zavie's zero club but do not remember my number. Chalk that up to my brain fog. LOL at least I am alive even with all the side effects. Today the doctor told me that all is still good. Nothing unusual except that my potassium continues to stay low even on potassium tablets. Now the doctor has upped me again to three potassium tablets. Another side effect of Gleevec has been that my chest hurts and it causes me to have a rapid heart beat according to the heart doctor. So he is giving me meds to lower the heart rate. It was at 120 now down to 100 but he wants it at around 60. On my first anniversary last year I bought myself a small diamond ring. This year I went over board and bought my self a new Saturn VUE fully loaded even with a sun roof. I figure I deserved something big this year. MMMMMM wonder what next year will bring. The doctor did say that as soon as the new drug is approved she will be putting me on that to see if the side effects improve.

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