this is from Carolyn (Dr. Druker's nurse):

PCR testing for bcr-abl  is complex; there are controversies about
different things and the field  continues to evolve.

There are a significant number of false positives with nested PCR--I
assume that is what the first part of the message below is referring
to.    As Dr. Nimer said, trends are important.

No matter what method is being used, there is no way with our current
technology  to look at every cell in the marrow and thus no way to say
for sure there is no bcr-abl.

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/17/2006 1:25:56 PM >>>
I hope this was okay that I sent your message to the group on  CMLHope.
are driving me insane with some correct responses and some  that just
do not 
add up.

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