> If I were you I would tell my doc that for my own piece of mind I WANTED to 
> have at least one, but I worn you they are no picnic and are quite painful 
> even with sedation.

Naturally, there are huge differences in pain tolerance from one person
to another, but from personal experience I know that there are some
Drs. who know how to extract marrow painlessly and others who do not.
Fortunately for me, my current Dr., who is in a group of 20 oncology
hematologists, is known by the hospital's nurses as the local "Painless
Potter."  Talk to the nurses and see if you can find a Dr. in your area
with a similar reputation.  My guess is that the level of pain
inflicted has a lot to do with how often the Dr. does the procedure.
Since my Dr. handles only CML patients, and is a BMT specialist, he
does a helluva lot of BMAs and BMBs.  

Mike Burwen

A support group of http://cmlhope.com

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