Hi everyone,
it's been sometime since I've posted but wanted to get some opinions.
We went to see our oncologist at Sloane in NY today and received mixed
Vanessa's standard cytogenic test and Fish is absent of any
Philadelphia chromosome. She was 100% +ve at diagnosis. This is after 4
months, which i gather is a great result. Is it?

The Molecular tests still show evidence of the leukemia. What should we
be looking for and asking for next?

However, in relation to her bloods that were taken today, her White
cells are at 1.7 (4 weeks ago they were at 5.6) and her platelets are
down to 117. As a consequence she has come off the Gleevec for a week
and had an injection to stimulate white cell production. She is having
additional blood tests next week to check the Blood Counts and we'll
take it from there. The onc is talking about putting her back on 300Mg
of Gleevec. She has just come off 400mg.

As you can imagine, it has been another day on the rollercoaster. Any
views, comments and observations would be very welcome, especially if
any of you have had similar experiences.

stay well

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