I have a question (again) but this one is not related to CML (I dont think). I 
have been having a problem with my stomach now for about three years (as long 
as I have been dx'ed) and I have asked several docs about it including my 
gastrointerologist, they all looked very interested and focused as I describe 
this then they all have the same answer.........I dont 
know!......grrrrrrrrrrrr..........but no one is trying to find out what or why 
so I am going to describe this to you guys and maybe one of you has had the 
same thing happen and knows what it is or why it happens.......... I have this 
sensation in my upper abdomen like where your stomach would be, it is a strange 
twisting feeling like when you take a balloon (you know one of the long skinny 
ones you make animal shapes with) and you twist it round and round then let go 
and it pops back into shape. It doesnt exactly hurt but is extremely 
uncomfortable and takes my breath away, kinda like when someone punches you in 
the stomach.
It will happen for a while pretty consistently then it goes away. Well it is back! and with a vengence!!! It is not just happening one time once in a while, it happens over and over for about 30 minutes to an hour. The other night I went to bed and my whole upper abdomen felt bruised inside, and I was even sore up in my chest. Tonight it was so hard a few minutes ago that I kinda groaned real loud (forced out with the air) and now it just feels kinda tight in there. One thing I wondered is, I have a sliding hiatal (sp?) hernia, and I thought maybe my stomach is sliding up in there and then popping back out? I just have no clue, and apparently my Dr.'s dont either. Do any of you? Or if you have a friend that is a Dr. could you ask him about it and get his opinion? I have confidence in a total of three docs scuse me four docs in this town and the rest are all quacks including my gastro. Some of ya'll are from bigger cities maybe you all might have an answer. Anyway I thought it was worth a try to ask you guys. Hope you dont mind. Doing better on the gleevec by the way, I have had two pretty terrific days which is simply amazing considering my track record with gleevec.... Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas .....especially you Terry!!!!

"The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time." -William Butler Yeats "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." -Robert A. Heinlein Katy DX: 10/03 #677 in Zero Club


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