Well said. As a Vietnam veteran, I understand the folly of our government 
fabricating an excuse to wage war. How can out leaders be so unconcerned about 
the welfare our our citizens? Billions spent and wasted lives in Iraq instead 
of helping the people! Common sense always trumps religious beliefs for me. 
It's funny that us CMLers and others suffering from cancer and disease along 
with our love-ones are the ones who want more $ put into research. I am for a 
reasonable attempt to study stem cells, which includes funding. Peace.
Dave (CML 1994)

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: CMLHope group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> CMLHope 
> Today's topics: 
> * New York Times Endorses Stem Cell Research Bill - 1 messages, 1 author 
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> TOPIC: New York Times Endorses Stem Cell Research Bill 
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> == 1 of 1 == 
> Date: Sun, Apr 15 2007 1:46 pm 
> From: Carl Davies 
> Hi, Suzieq: 
> Given that governments waste (in my humble opinion) billions of dollars 
> on silly and oftentimes destructive research, I believe you and I would agree 
> that more should be spent on medical research. 
> Since I believe that embryonic stem cell research is a promising area of 
> inquiry that could eventually save millions of lives, if properly funded, I 
> support it from a medical and scientific point of view. 
> If you are opposed to this promising research on religious grounds then 
> I cannot argue the matter with you, because that is a matter of faith, not 
> science. And there are many prominent religious leaders and theologians who 
> support the life-giving potential of stem cell research. Their opinions are 
> not 
> hard to find on the internet. 
> However, if you really want to learn more about the potential benefits 
> of this research, I suggest you peruse the websites of the many great 
> research 
> hospitals that are keeping our fellow CML'ers alive. Insititutions like Dana 
> Farber, MD Anderson, OHSU, and Sloan Kettering where I am treated. Their 
> website is 
> Or you can just Google the topic and find what the experts are saying. 
> Hope this helps. 
> Best Wishes to You and Yours, 
> Carl 
> Suzieq wrote: 
> Mr. Davies: 
> Could you tell me just what they've proven that using embryonic stem 
> cells have helped medically? The only good I've read has had to do 
> with using adult stem cells of which I applaud. 
> I guess I fit into that catagory of the "minority of his party" this 
> editorial talks about. I am against using mine & my husbands' hard 
> earned tax dollars to fund anything having to do with destroying 
> embryos while government seeks to cut funding for cancer & leukemia 
> research as well as other health related illnesses. 
> Keep Looking Up, 
> Suzieq 
> On Apr 13, 12:10 pm, Carl Davies wrote: 
> > April 13, 2007 
> > New York Times Editorial 
> > Loosening the Stem Cell Binds The Senate easily approved a bill this week 
> > that 
> would free embryonic stem cell research from the worst shackles imposed by 
> the 
> Bush administration. The House passed its version earlier. A substantial 
> majority of Americans tell pollsters they support embryonic stem cell 
> research. 
> Yet one man, President Bush, and a minority of his party, the religious and 
> social conservatives, are once again trying to impose their moral code on the 
> rest of the nation and stand in the way of scientific progress. 
> > 
> > Mr. Bush is threatening a veto, and neither house had enough votes for the 
> bills on initial passage to override him. Concerned voters will need to 
> ratchet 
> up the pressure on recalcitrant Republicans to help stop the president from 
> killing the second enlightened stem cell bill in less than a year. 
> > 
> > Under the president's current policy, federal funds can be used to support 
> research on only some 20 stem cell lines that have limited scientific value. 
> Many of the lines are deteriorating or contaminated, and the group as a whole 
> lacks the diversity needed to conduct a wide range of studies. There is no 
> doubt 
> that progress is being hampered. The director of the National Institutes of 
> Health, who had initially been a good soldier in trying to live within the 
> president's policy, told the Senate last month that American science would be 
> better served if the nation let researchers have access to more stem cell 
> lines. 
> > The restrictions on federal financing have led to absurdly complicated and 
> costly maneuvers. Scientists are forced to buy extra equipment and laboratory 
> space with private money to perform off-limits research while using equipment 
> and supplies bought with federal money on the permitted stem cell research. 
> In a 
> shocking example cited during Senate debate, a California researcher who had 
> been cultivating stem cells in a makeshift privately financed lab suffered a 
> power failure but was unable to transfer her lines into industrial-strength 
> freezers in another lab because they were federally financed. Two years of 
> work 
> melted away because of this inanity. 
> > 
> > The Senate bill would greatly expand the available stem cell lines by 
> > tapping 
> into the thousands of surplus embryos left over at fertility clinics. The 
> bill 
> would allow federal support for research on stem cell lines derived from 
> embryos 
> originally created for fertility treatments but not needed for that purpose 
> and 
> thus doomed to be discarded. The donors would have to give their informed 
> consent and could not receive any financial or other inducements to donate 
> their 
> surplus embryos. In a nod to the religious conservatives, the bill also calls 
> for research on alternative techniques to derive stem cells without the use 
> of 
> human embryos, an approach that is certainly worth pursuing but is deemed 
> less 
> promising by most experts. 
> > 
> > At the same time, the Senate passed a bill proposed by supporters of the 
> president's policy that seeks to derive stem cells from embryos that might be 
> judged "naturally dead," perhaps because they were considered unsuitable for 
> transplantation at a fertility clinic. This is a poorly considered proposal 
> that 
> can only be deemed a diversion from the main business at hand - the need to 
> free 
> American science from the chains imposed by the president. 
> > 
> > __,_._,___ 
> > 
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