Dear Roger:
I am sorry for just now getting back to you as I've been sort of laid
up for past three days with lower back pain & not doing a whole lot
but laying around & reading.  Felt much better this morning, so I am
now trying to play "catch up" with everything.

As for the "fogged mind" or "Gleevec fog" we've named is
definitly a "memory loss".  I didn't know what was going on with me
the first six months after beginning Gleevec until I read about it
happening to others when I got involved with our support group here.
I noticed it a lot during conversations with people and my mind would
just go terribly blank during mid-conversation as I searched for the
word I wanted to say.  And sometimes I would totally forget what we
were discussing all together & have to ask the person.  Was getting
rather embarrassing until I finally found out what was happening.  I
also had trouble remembering people's names (am still having that
problem).   I was afraid I was in the beginning stages of Alzhymers or
something like it happend so frequently.  Was glad to
finally put a cause to what was happening and now I can deal with it.
I think it is compounded by also being menapausal and getting close to
54 yrs. old as well. (smile)  Sometimes my mind is so bad,  I catch
myself going from one room to the next, & I stop in the hall way and
think "what was it that I'm coming to this room for?" (smile)  I have
definitly started writing things down more,  especially appointments
as soon as it's given to me.  Course, I've noticed that I can remember
other things so clearly at's just rediculous.  So,  just
don't feel bad about least now you know you have something
to blame it on. (smile)

Keep Looking Up,

On Jun 9, 6:32 am, Roger Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> suzieq,
>     I am happy to hear about your good visit.  I was ondering about this 
> "Fogged mind",  is it a memory loss or just air headed moments, for the 
> longest time i just thought all the stress and anxiety where the cause of my 
> forgetfulness.  I dont think that is so true these days. I am a car salesman 
> and let me tell you i have had to change my approach to customers drastically 
> becaus i seem to forget my product knowledge fairly easy even after just 
> reading it.  I feel honestly like i am loosing more memory rather than just 
> fogging, i can be talking to someone and forget there name, or forget what i 
> was talking about mid sentence.  Do you understand how bad that looks to a 
> man in my ill quit rambling( which ive also noticed i 
> do a lot no i guess to compensate for my memory). but i would appreciate ne 
> info on this...i am very uncomfortable with this erie feeling of what willi 
> forget today..
> thank you..
> roger
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Suzieq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: CMLHope <>
> Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:48:21 PM
> Subject: [CMLHope] Recent Doctor's Visit
> Hi to all:
> Had my quarterly doctor's appointment yesterday.  Let me tell you how
> bad my "Gleevec mind" can get...........after my visit last February,
> I came home and posted my next visit on the calendar.  I had it down
> for 6/7/07 at 9:30.   Well,  I received a letter from them in the mail
> on Monday stating that the appointment that I had scheduled for 9:30
> A.M. on 6/6/07 had been re-scheduled for 1:30 that afternoon.  I
> immediately went to look at the calendar and schedule card they gave
> me at the previous appointment.  I had penciled in the wrong day!  I
> thought, well thank you Lord for them sending me out that letter or I
> would have missed my appointment and then would have showed up on the
> wrong day!!! (smile)    This is just one of the latest in the few of
> my "Gleevec-fogged" mistakes.  I don't have very many,  but sometimes
> they are dooseys! (smile) At least I have something I can blame it on
> besides just "old" age. (smile)
> Back to the appointment.....I was pleased, blood counts all seemed
> good.....I laid them all out side by side going back to Oct. '06 &
> they seem to be holding.  She mentioned that I am still running a
> little anemic, but no drastic changes. I asked again about BMB's since
> it will be a year on July 10th since my last one.  She still says she
> doesn't feel the need to do one unless she sees a change in drawn-
> blood tests. I thought to myself, well that's just fine by me but, of
> course, one always questions in the back of your mind "I hope she
> knows what she's doing."   I also asked her about scheduling the
> doctor visits maybe every six months instead of every four months.
> She didn't want to do that yet........said she felt we should keep it
> the way it is until say around my five year anniversary.  It's just
> really hard for me, I guess, to go in every four months just to have
> them tell me "everything's fine, keep doing what you're doing." You
> spend more time having blood drawn than you do seeing the
> doctor............sometimes I wonder why they don't just give you the
> orders for the blood and let you come in and have that done and you go
> home and let them receive the test results and if all is well, then so
> be it,  if there's a problem, then they can call you to come in for a
> check up.  Sorry......guess I'm just venting here.......having a hard
> enough time getting through all the medical bills from one visit and
> then it seems it's time for a new one.
> CBC results:  WBC 4.8       RBC 3.32      Hemog. 11.3      Hemto.
> 32.2    Platelets  221
> No big changes since Oct. 2006.  I think the nurse said my blood
> pressure was exactly the same as then. (smile)  She seemed a little
> alarmed at how low it was  97/54......I told her mine has always ran
> low & she checked and told me it was the same as then.
> Keep Looking Up,
> Suzieq
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