Hey Madisen's Mom!

I told Rachel everything so that she wouldn't be afraid.  Granted she
was 9 years old at diagnosis, but it really just becomes a way of
life.  If Madisen had to have leukemia, this is the better one to have
right now.  Believe me, I've seen the treatment for ALL, AML, etc.,
and I would much rather have Gleevec.  It's your choice, but I think
bmt should be your choice if Gleevec or other drugs don't work.  A bmt
is not an easy treatment; however, there are times when a bmt is
appropriate and necessary.  Rachel had a bmt because Gleevec wasn't
available at that time.  Was it a cure for her?  No, but it did buy
her time until Gleevec became available.  These children are stronger
than you know.  She will keep you strong if you allow her to. Tell her
what is happening to her, and don't act scared while you're telling
her.  Tell her that with God, the help of good doctors, and smiles and
hugs between the two of you every day she can get better and live a
life just like all other children.  Rachel is 17 now.  You would never
know she has cml by looking at her.  She has a job, goes to school,
hangs out with her friends, and has a good life.  Don't see this as a
defeat.  It's just a change of lifestyle.  A different means to the
same end that everyone else has.  A different road to reaching a
successful and happy life.

Rachel's mom
dx 1999
bmt 2000
relapse 2001
dli march 2001
gleevec aug 2001
cyto remission dec 2001

On Apr 7, 1:43 am, "Madisen's Mom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am typing this in hope of I am not realy sure.  I try not to think
> about it but of curse that does not work.   My Madisen was only one
> month past her third birthday when we found out.  Going on two years
> now I think I can cry now but not infront of the kids.  I have stayed
> away from these websits because it makes it real.  I cant do it any
> more I wasnt to know about other children or others experince with
> this cml.  Sometimes she asks questions I dont know what to say to her
> I usually tell her that God has a plain for all of us we usually dont
> know until it happens.  Doctors say that we are almost their but not
> yet.  With not sibling match or us BMT does not seem like a chance we
> are willing to take.  So what does that mean for my baby and her
> life.  She askes me if she will get married or if she will have a
> baby,  I want to tell her yes but I cant.  I find my self hiding the
> tears more and more as she gets older kids are so smart and little
> girls are nosey and wants to know every hting.  I guess I will have
> to.   If any one knows how I am suppposed to be for her please help

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