Hi Kelly,
So sorry to hear about your problems.
I tend to think,"they don't know"!!!
My Onc nevers looks at my files until I am in the office, and then he has  to 
go back and see what I'm talking about.  I told him I wanted a PCR and  he 
said if my platelets didn't come down, he wanted to do a BMA.
I had one of those done late last year, and he never even discussed the  
results with me.
I have had high platelets now since Aug of last year, and he had me take  
more Gleevec, but only looks at the cbc and doesn't order the PCRs like I think 
he should.
He has been my Onc ever since I was dx, and it seems to get worse with  time.
What's the solution? I just don't know.
Hang in there CML warrior.
In a message dated 6/19/2008 11:53:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Hi good  people!

Just an inquiry to see if anyone else has experienced this. I  have
been suffering from lumbar, thoracic and cervical back pain for  months
(the entire spine). Some days it is worse than others. In April I  had
an MRI which showed the lumbar spine to have "diffuse  heterogeneous
infiltrate consistent with leukemic or tumor involvement."  Cleveland
Clinic doc said he didn't see anything in my MRI to account for  my
complaints of lower back pain, so I put off making an appointment  to
see an orthopedic within my insurance network. Long story short,  I
soon tired of the constant pain and how it was limiting my  activities
of daily living (grocery shopping always ends in severe pain). I  made
an appointment with an orthopedic doc within my network. He read  my
MRI reports and stated there was nothing he could do for me other  than
prescribe pain medication.

He prescribed tramadol 50 mg and  told me to check with CCF to make
sure I can take the medication. I called  my NP at CCF and she
indicated she thought he was full of baloney until I  told her that,
YES, the MRI report does say there is infiltrate consistent  with
leukemic or tumor involvement in the lumbar spine. (I was  completely
surprised she had not read my MRI results since she is my  primary
contact and caregiver at CCF and they were the ones who ordered  the
studies). She said she would check into the medication and call  me
back. She called me back several hours later and told me that I  could
take the medication and that she would be offering me palliative  care
and would be referring me to their palliative care unit.

Well,  I've done medical transcription for many years and the term
"palliative  care" rang some serious alarm bells in my fog-filled
brain. I do realize  that palliative care is NOT hospice. After some
research, I found that  patients who have experienced complete
cytogenic response have developed  CNS and other tumors which are very
hard to treat - especially in chronic  ML. My oncologist had previously
told me that CMLers do NOT develop "solid"  tumors,
CML is systemic. Which begs the question - do they simply do not  know?
or, do they lie? My last PCR-ABL was 0. I know I shouldn't  believe
everything I read, but, my physicians are seriously lacking  when
telling me ANYTHING regarding this disease and I have to  find
everything out on my own, whether it be accurate or not. I was  just
celebrating with my family last weekend on my "complete  remission."
What a crock.

The last thing I need is to get depressed  again over the indifference
I've encountered with these health care  professionals. I am getting
really po'd. Depression is anger turned inside  out, eh? ANY
information anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.  I'm not
asking for miracles, I just want the damn truth. My oncologist  doesn't
even deal with me anymore just the NP - LOL! The same with my PCP -  I
get the NP instead. I am polite, professional and easy to get  along
with. I guess my insistence and blunt nature can be  misinterpreted,
or, they don't want to admit they don't know the answers.  My insurance
company is now demanding to know why I don't have insurance  coverage
through my employer instead of through my husband's. I guess they  are
sick of paying. I am sick of the whole ball of wax.

Thank you  all for your knowledge, comfort and support.


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