I am sorry to hear of this.....but, I do know that there are so many
more opportunities available today than when Gleevec became first
available.  So, we can thank the Lord for this as well as our
wonderful research & development people.......

I don't remember if you said or not before....but when did you begin
Gleevec......I was just curious how long you've been taking it before
getting to this point........

Well.....I am heading out for the wonderful, sunny state of Florida
tomorrow morning with my mom.  Having to take her back down to check
on her house for sale as well as her doctor appointments next week &
then we will bring another load of her stuff back with us.  Right
now,  I am doing really complaints.  I did learn one
thing,  I put my good ole' standby athletic shoes back on my feet & lo
and behold, the pain in my knees and legs has gone away!   It was the
shoes I was wearing all the time......I know now a good pair of shoes
is worth the money spent. (smile) Not the cute little sandals or
slides & flip flops. (smile).

Everyone take care....will check in once in a while the next couple of
weeks if I can pick up some wireless internet along the way.  God
Bless & take care, Jeanie.  Our prayers are with you.

Keep Looking Up,

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