Hi Nancy, Good to meet you.
Yes, we're related; CML TWINS HEHE.
How did the Gleevec quit working for you and how are you doing  on Tasigna?
My platelets started going up and then my potassium went up,  so I was having 
a time.
I then got blast in my blood and went into aml.
I hope I am on the right track now.
In a message dated 10/3/2008 5:56:48 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

Hi Jeanie,
I'm glad to hear you got through the transfusion ok.  I'm sure  you will feel 
better because of it.  Good luck with all your other tests  including the ct 
I read an earlier post of yours and realized that we were diagnosed at  the 
same time, January 2004.  I was on Gleevec from that time until last  June 
2008.  Now, we're both on Tasigna!  It's almost like we're  related!  lol!
Best wishes,
Nancy in NY 


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