In fact he doesn't have any donor. But even if he had, we do not go to BMT.
There are only 60% chance of survive and there are some cases that you have
to take gleevec after BMT or even worse, go to another BMT.
So, we are taking our chances with gleevec, and if one day it fails.. go to
tasigna, nilotinib, and so on.
The researches are so advanced that I belive in more 10 years we're going to
have a cure or at least a less side efect medication.
I feel sorry about you. I know what are you feeling. My son had a lot of
side effects - mainly bone pain, and it was very bad for me....I had been
crying ( hidden in my room) during the night for months - it's not easy now
and in the beggining it was worse. But it's over now. I can see that he can
live with that. Some get blind, some get tuberculoses, some get diabetes,
some get paralyzed legs, and they are living with that.
We just have to do what we have to do for a better life.
My son is ok now and he is becoming used to the meds.
Your son will be ok too.
Please feel free to contact me directly to my email if you want to.
Blessings from Brazil,

On 11/4/08, Sandy Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> Thanks so much for your is greatly appreciated!!
> Just out of curiosity, does your son have a matched donor?
> Thanks,
> Sandy C
>  On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 4:53 AM, Ricardo Gadelha <
>> Sandy,
>> Good morning from Brazil.
>> My son was diagnosed last year while he was 17 yr old. It's not easy to
>> live with Gleevec but we have no option so far. He is doing ok with it. BMT
>> is very risky and if your son is doing ok with Gleevec, I think that you
>> should keep him on it.
>> Blessings,
>> Ricardo
>>   On 11/3/08, SandyC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My 13 yr old son was diagnosed with CML in August. He is currently
>>> being treated with Gleevec and responding very well. No major side
>>> effects besides headaches, stomach pain and fatigue. We were
>>> originally told that the only treatment option is Gleevec and BMT. We
>>> met with another Dr and she recomends leaving him on BMT.
>>> So, now we have a major decision to make! Who is right? What is the
>>> best treatment plan? There is very little info for pediatric CML out
>>> there. Anyone have any opinions?? I am so could there
>>> be such a huge difference in opinion?
>>> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sandy >>>

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