I group it's Greenie, I'm?? back from our curise last Sat.?? From 83 degree 
weather to 6 degrees.? I'm staying with my wifes son in Indiana, will be 
heading home Sat.?? Lot's to tell. Had lab work and was told as long as my 
counts remain the same I will not have to have anymore BMB's, thank you very 
much.? Picked up my 6 month supply of Gleevec and will return in June for lab 
and refills of Gleevec.? Can't wait to get back to better weather.? Also the 
cruise was a blast but will never fly the friendly skys of United Air Lines.? 
They are a rip off.?? Take care and Happy Holidays.

-----Original Message-----
From: educatorsusan <educatorsu...@aol.com>
To: CMLHope <CMLHope@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 8:39 pm
Subject: [CMLHope] trials and drugs

Okay, I have lurked long enough.  I want to respond to everyone and
just kept quiet.  My husband and I ventured out for my bi-annual sixth
month check up from Miami, Florida to Portland, Oregon to see Dr.
Druker.  Of course, my status remains super.  I listen to your stories
of woe and wonder what I would do if I was in your shoes.

Jeff, in regards to this trial...I would ask or go see Dr. Druker if
you have the 1315 mutation.  While we were out there, Dr. Druker was
estatic!  Since last Spring, he was working on a drug that was thought
to only work in combination with another drug, whether it was gleevec
or dastinab or nilotinab, etc.  However, his drug is working on
mutations by itself!!!  This is wonderful news he says to those who
have mutations.

I am happy that I am doing so well.  I was also told I would never
need another BMB/BMA as long as my numbers stay the same!

I still get eyebleeds, and a little swelling.  I have had all the side
effects from Gleevec.  So if you ever need to write me for the answers
that Dr. Druker and Carolyn (Dr. Druker's assisant/nurse) gave to me
please email me at educatorsu...@aol.com.  I would be please to help
you out.  I had everything BUT the rash!!!  When I say everything, I
mean everything.  Dr. Druker says that I was his top 10% for all
patients to have so many reactions.

Now, I am really fairing pretty nicely!

Susan Rosenthal Miami, Florida
dx. January 8th, 2003
Began Gleevec: 4/10/2003
Ceased Gleevec: 4/21/2003
"Rebegan" Gleevec: 4/25/2003
Tranfusion dependent: May 2004-November 2005
Gleevec reduced to 400mg: 8/2004
Gleevec reduced to 300mg: 8/2005
Gleevec reduced to 200/300 alternating days: November 7, 2006 to
present day except now I am taking 250 every day now...
Still undetectable 9/24/2008
March 27, 2008 BMB/BMA PCRU!!! FISH 0% YEAH!!!!!
Next appointment with Dr. Druker:  Thursday, October 23, 2008
Gleevec PK Level taken every 3 months monitored by Novartis and Dr.
PCR-in June was a weak positive but Dr. Druker felt that it was the
same as un
detectable...but will repeat PCR sooner in August 2008
I was told that I would not need another BMB as long as my numbers
stay where they are!!! YIPEEEE!

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