
Hallelujah!!!!   Great news......glad that the new drug works......I'm
glad we have other options besides Gleevec,  "just in case".  I return
for my four month check up on the 23rd.  I'm hoping for another "none
detected" which would be my first two in a row in five years.  I am
confident that after this visit she will most likely go to a visit
every six months.  AMEN!  Tomorrow I have an appointment with a local
doctor.  My mom started seeing him after moving here and getting new
insurance.  I am impressed with the care she has been receiving from
him so far and since I no longer have a "primary" doctor, I thought
well "you might as well see him too".  I've filled out the necessary
paperwork so it won't take me so long up front. (smile)  I need extra
time to think!
My previous doctor I had as my primary (the one who ended up finally
dx'ing my CML left his practice about a year and half ago.  I've just
been seeing my Onc./Hem. doctor all this time.) I'm sure he is going
to be interested in the CML as I will be to find out if he treats
anyone else with it......I've been told pretty much that I am all
alone in my area.  A lady who goes to my church had an uncle who
passed away about a year and half ago that had CML for around twenty
years and was able to get on Gleevec when it came out.  It put him in
to remission and later he ended up dying from a heart attack....can
you believe it?  Anyway,  he was from a little community close by.
But, he was the only one I knew.  Another lady who comes off and on to
our church has the CLL, I believe, not sure.  But, she lives in Rolla
(about 17,000) which is 26 miles from me.

Well, I've rattled on enough here,  guess I need to quit and go off to
bed as it's after mid-night.  I think I am becoming a night owl.

God Bless & thanks for the good news here,


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