I would have to say, I'm for Medicare for everyone. It doesn't get any
simpler than that. I won't blather on about all of the horrors I've
dealt with during and after my dx of CML. Even when my onc told me I
could wait at minimum 2 years before receiving any treatment for my
CML. Huh. I wonder how much he gets paid for telling patients things
like that....


On Oct 1, 7:21 pm, Suzieq <sheila.a.wat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok....guy's......I read the transcript of this interview (all 12 pages
> of it) and so did my husband.  What we come up with is  it is a push
> for government run health care of which I am not really for......but,
> now, health insurance reform...I am all for that!!!
> So far, I've had no problem with any of the health care that I've
> received...other than losing a good doctor that I liked, :) :).  I'm
> sure there are some who have "horror" stories,  but not me or my
> husband or son when he was growing up.  I have had some doctors who
> have no "bedside" manner at all,  but then again, I've had some that I
> absolutely loved.  The insurances that we've had over the years have
> also been good........it could be, too, that my little family has
> pretty much been very healthy over the years.  Until I was dx'ed with
> CML over five years ago,  all I ever took was hormone therapy.......my
> husband did have to go on blood pressure meds a few years back as well
> as Lipitor.  Then he had his little episode of blood clots in his
> lungs two years back,  but was treated for six months and that was
> that.  He's been taking an aspirin daily along with his Lipitor.  He
> lost over fifty pounds and didn't need his blood pressure meds
> anymore.  I took myself off the hormone therapy and just take Estroven
> (over the counter) and have had no problems.  So all I take as far as
> prescription meds is the Gleevec.  I am all for anything "alternative"
> that will work to help one's health......even if it's just losing a
> few pounds and some exercise.  We need to take our health back in to
> our own hands and do what we can to help our situations......& like I
> said earlier.....all for health insurance reform......& if they can
> make the health care better for "everyone",  but not really for "big
> government" sticking it's nose in to my health care.
> Suzieq
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