Hi Suzie:

You are probably right. It might just be a nasty cold. Truth is, I
don't know the difference between colds and flu. When I was a kid, if
you had vomiting and diarrhea - you had the flu. If you had upper
respiratory symptoms - you had a cold. As an adult I found out that
all those "flu" episodes we had as kids was probably food poisoning -
Hahahahahaha!!!  Everybody's family had a pot of something sitting on
the stove - stew, chili, soup, whatever. You just fired up the stove,
heated it up and then turned the stove off. Nobody put things in the
fridge back then. (Gaack!)

I did have the joint aches - knees and hips mainly. No chills, low-
grade fever. But, I am feeling better as the days march on. My face
ached the worst, even my teeth, but that's gone now. Usually you get
the runny nose and then the chest cold - it worked the opposite on me.
Straight to the chest and now my nose is starting to drip and get
congested. My mom (74 years old) and brother have it, too. They were
really sick but are starting to feel better. Truthfully, I haven't had
a cold or flu in so long, I honestly couldn't tell you the last time.
It could be 10 years, no kidding.

Thanks for the feedback!!

On Oct 9, 6:05 pm, Suzzie <suzzienovem...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Kelly:  Glad to see you posting again.  You might not have the
> FLU.  It could just be a bad cold or have you ever had Bronchitis?
> The Flu you would ache all over in every muscle in your body with
> fever and chills.  I think you would know the flu between a cold.  You
> should call your primary doctor, its possible the e-mail was not
> read.  If you still have a fever and your chest is very congested you
> do not want to risk Pneumonia.  I would see somebody or make sure I
> got the doctor on the phone.  Most likely, the doctor will not advise
> without seeing you personally.  You might need a antibiotic or a
> prescription strength cough medicine.  Thats just my opinion, and I
> hope your feeling better.
> Suzzie
> On Oct 9, 2:46 pm, kellyelise <kellyeli...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone:
> > Been quite some time since I've posted... I have the stinking flu.
> > Went straight to my chest. I have a terrible cough, low-grade fever,
> > headache, sore throat (diminishing), and runny nose. How do you know
> > when to go to the doc and when to just let it run its course? I guess
> > I feel somewhat better, throat isn't as sore as it was but the cough
> > is harsh and punishing, relinquishing very little with extensive
> > effort.
> > I'm on Sprycel - BTW, the CML is back after my 8 month hiatus from
> > Gleevec due to side effects. In other words, I am no longer in
> > molecular remission. Just found that out although my doc has known
> > since at least May. I have the results of my last BCR-ABL although
> > reading it is like trying to decipher Sanskrit. Means squat to me.
> > Anyhoo, I emailed my NP regarding the flu and 2 days later, still no
> > answer. I don't want to go to my GPs office and risk infecting others
> > - BUT - how do you know you have the "flu" versus something more
> > serious - such as H1N1. I looked up the comparisons, both apply. Can I
> > take an antiviral agent with the Sprycel?
> > Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (I did get my annual flu shot
> > a week or 2 before getting this "flu").
> > Sincerely,
> > Kelly- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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