Hi everyone.... Just wondering if any of you have experiences with
Son (now aged 24) on Glivec for 7years, PCR has shown between 4% to 7%
cml cells over the last couple of years - pretty stable.  However he
has just started Tasigna trial here as ONC thinks better response will
be achieved. However after first two weeks developed solid rash &
liver enzymes elevated.  Taken off for 2 weeks
recommenced and again, 2 weeks later blood test show liver enzymes up
heaps and rash back again.
(headaches initially experienced have gone though).  Has now been
taken off again and when liver enzymes
go back to normal will be introduced to 1/2 dose & see if body
tolerates it better.

Has anybody had similar experiences?

Am worried about stopping and starting drug as don't want his
resistance to increase..

We can't get Sprycel here unless in 'advanced stage of CML'.

Thanks -


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