Oh also, My cholesterol went way down on Gleevec.
In a message dated 6/25/2010 9:43:30 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
sheila.a.wat...@gmail.com writes:

I've not  been getting anything either, Greenie.  Like Martin says, you
probably  just need to give it a good "cleaning" to get rid of some
unwanted  "malware" or "trogan" that you picked up somewhere.  It's
easy to do  that without realizing.  I use to use "Noadware" which
cleaned off all  the spyware cookies and such,  but since having a
problem with a  program that was on my computer that interfered with
internet service and  just gave me general grief period, my son cleaned
everything off and added  "Malwarebytes Anti-malware" as well as
"Avast! Anti-virus" and I just use  all that frequently.  It won't let
me activate the Noadware program  anymore,  but it was a good program
to use and simple.  "AVG" is  also a very good one to use as well.

I use Facebook and have no  problem.  Just set your privacy controls
and also "block" what or who  you do not want.  I do not know of any
other CML'ers on there except  maybe a couple from other countries.  I,
too, miss all our fellow CML  survivors that use to post frequently
here.  It helped us all  tremendously.  I do hope they are doing well.

I finally broke down  and visited my doctor's nurse practitioner
(primary doc.) who I was told is  better than he is.  I have to agree,
I liked her very well.  Told  her what was going on with the pain in my
side and wanting to schedule the  colonoscopy to see what is going on,
so it is set for the end of  July.  Everyone still thinks it's most
likely Diversticulitis,   which I do too.  Along with not having a gall
bladder.  All the  years since having that removed,  I never once
thought about my  intestinal problems stemming from that.  LOL!!!   My
mom  being a nurse for many years (she's 81 now) came up with that
saying that  it seems that doctors quit giving their patients
information on what not to  eat after having their gall bladders
removed like they did back in the  earlier years such as fifties and
sixties when she worked for our family  doctor in one of the local
clinics and hospitals.  I had mine removed  in '77 and they never told
me one thing about certain foods  causing
digestive & intestinal problems afterwards.  Oh  well,  we live and
learn, don't we?

She did run blood  work,  and all really looked good.  My total
cholesterol is down  to 190,  I can remember back in fall of 2004 after
being on Gleevec  since Feb. of that year, it ran around 356 with my
good being a high  number.  The reason he let me work on it through
diet and  stuff......but, I am pretty sure it's the Gleevec that has
brought it down  and under control.  The only red flag I saw was my
platelets were 182  and I need to get my last blood work done at my
Hem./Onc. last Feb., cause  I thought they were up around 240
something.  Not sure why they've  dropped like that if it's true.  I
see her the 12th of July,  so  am not concerned.  If there is a
problem, I know she'll catch  it.

Everyone have a great day.


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