Thanks to all of you who responded to my question about watering eyes. I  
guess it's such a small price to pay for being on Gleevec. At least we now 
know  why his eyes are watering!   
Blessings to all,
Lee  :-)
In a message dated 7/15/2010 6:14:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

   Today's Topic Summary
Group: _ 
    *   _one year after..._ (mip://00695710/default.html#group_thread_0)  
[2  Updates]  
    *   _Sensitive and watering  eyes_ 
(mip://00695710/default.html#group_thread_1)  [5 Updates] 
 Topic:  _one year after..._ 
christina  <> Jul 13 06:27PM -0700 _^_ 

hi all....
i'm  Christina from Greece..
46 years old..
i was diagnosed before a  year..i had 13.000 wbc and 500.000 plt , PH+
and trisomia 8
after 6  months i had a normal kariotypos (without PH+ Chromosoma) and
today my  wbc is 5.600, plt is 350.000 ,hct 39,0 but my bcr-abl  is
0,35%..(bcr-abl/abl = 0,35%)
i'm afraid that my bcr-abl is a  problem...
i take glivec 400 mg..
i need some informations about a  good diet...
and i have a big problem ..i smoke about 6-7 cigarettes a  day....
some nights like today...i say.."i don't want to die soon...why  it
happens to me?"
i feel lonely with this "friend"..i can't find a  group like this one
in thanks all of you..
sun...hope, and  love from Athens

"John Kuptz"  <> Jul 14 06:12PM -0500 _^_ 

Hi  Christina,
This is a wonderful web site full of CML warriors just waiting  to be of 
and incouragment. I know sometimes I feel lonely too. I  sometimes think 
people forget that we have a form of cancer because we  look pretty 
I know smoking can be a horrible addiction. My  husband smoked a pack and a 
half a day for 40 years. He is now 65 and  suffering from emphasemia but he 
was able to kick the habit 6 months  ago. He used Zyban and it really 
him over the hump of wanting to  smoke. Keep smiling it really helps to 
a good outlook. We are so  lucky to have these miracle drugs available to 
us. I was diagnosed 5  years ago and take Sprycel but have been PCRU for 
years. I know that  can just around but I am always grateful when the Dr. 
says it is  undectable.
God Bless you
----- Original Message -----  
From: "christina" <>
To: "CMLHope"  <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:27  PM
Subject: [CMLHope] one year after...

Topic:  _Sensitive and watering eyes_ 
( Jul 14 08:33AM  -0400 _^_ 

Lee, I've been on  Gleevec for 10 years and for me watery eyes is the norm. 
Greenie  Chesterton, IN. Club member #48

In a message dated 7/13/2010  8:52:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  writes:

Hello everyone,

Has anyone experienced  watery eyes while on Gleevec? My husband has
been on Gleevec for 3+ years  and has recently developed tearing eyes
that never seem to stop. Just  wondering if anyone else has experienced
this. If so, what did you do to  help this problem?

Thanking you in advance for your  replies.


A  support group of _http://cmlhope.com_ ( 

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"CMLHope" group.
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( Jul 14 10:31AM  -0400 _^_ 

Greetings  Lee,
I have the watering eyes as we speak now (5+years) & it seems to  go 
on and on. What usually helps me is Zyrtec that I take for allergies.  Like 
with a lot of the side effects that come with taking Gleevec after  a while 
they lessen with time. Sometimes I don't know if its Gleeve or  old age 
that may be causing some of the things going on with me  (67+years) but I 
keep on taking it one day at a time.  Regards,

In a message dated 7/13/2010 9:52:06 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hello  everyone,

Has anyone experienced watery eyes while on Gleevec?  My husband has
been on Gleevec for 3+ years and has recently developed  tearing eyes
that never seem to stop. Just wondering if anyone else has  experienced
this. If so, what did you do to help this  problem?

Thanking you in advance for your  replies.


A  support group of _http://cmlhope.com_ ( 

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"CMLHope" group.
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( Jul 14 04:42PM  -0400 _^_ 

HI :

I  take gleevec and have had watery eyes for several years. I have been to  
eye doctors,eye surgeons,eye specialists,you name it. I've used all the  
eye drops that are sold,and 
I've had surgical procedures on my eyes.  Sorry to say that the only thing 
that helps
so far is to have a clean  handkerchief handy.

In a  message dated 7/13/2010 9:52:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hello everyone,

Has  anyone experienced watery eyes while on Gleevec? My husband has
been on  Gleevec for 3+ years and has recently developed tearing eyes
that never  seem to stop. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced
this. If so,  what did you do to help this problem?

Thanking you in advance  for your replies.


A support group of _http://cmlhope.com_ ( 

You  received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups  
"CMLHope" group.
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XRISTINA  <> Jul 14 11:37PM +0300 _^_ 

hi Lee
i have  the same problem the last days
tommorow i'm going to a good doctor and i  hope that he gives me something
here inGreece we are during the summer  and the sun is so hot..
so my eyes bad
i'll give you more  informations tommorow
love from a greek cmler
2010/7/14  <> Jul 14 05:37PM  -0400 _^_ 

Hi  Lee:

Count me in. I have been on Gleevec, 600 mg, since March  '09 and it 
seems like I am teary all of the time. At first I thought it  was an 
allergic reaction but it happens every day and my doctor tells me  I am 
not the only patient to have this side effect.

Best of  luck to you and your  husband.


-----Original  Message-----
From: Lee <>
To: CMLHope  <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 13, 2010 9:52  pm
Subject: [CMLHope] Sensitive and watering  eyes

Hello everyone,

Has anyone  experienced watery eyes while on Gleevec? My husband has
been on Gleevec  for 3+ years and has recently developed tearing eyes
that never seem to  stop. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced
this. If so, what did  you do to help this problem?

Thanking you in advance for your  replies.


A  support group of _http://cmlhope.com_ ( 

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