I just came back from seeing Dr. Druker in Portland, Oregon.  After
discussing that it only took 5 years to finally find the right mix for
my system and seeing how great I look (barring the 30 pounds I
gained), I asked him why he thought that Tasigna and Sprycel might be
considered above Gleevec.  He looked at me directly and said that
patients and doctors are looking for the "quick" way to molecular
remission.  Apparently, this is foremost in everyone's minds...they
are not looking at the  long term side effects of the drugs.

There was something else I wanted to post but cannot remember what it
was about...wil remember later.


Susan Rosenthal
Miami, Florida
dx. January 8th, 2003
Began Gleevec: 4/10/2003
Ceased Gleevec: 4/21/2003
"Rebegan" Gleevec: 4/25/2003
Tranfusion dependent: May 2004-November 2005
Gleevec reduced to 400mg: 8/2004
Gleevec reduced to 300mg: 8/2005
Gleevec reduced to 200/300 alternating days: November 7, 2006 to
present day except now I am taking 250 every day now...
Still undetectable 9/24/2008
Next appointment with Dr. Druker: Thursday,April 09, 2009
Gleevec PK Level taken every 3 months monitored by Novartis and Dr.
Druker. PCR taken every 3 months!
PCR-in June was a weak positive but Dr. Druker felt that it was the
same as undetectable...repeated PCR in August 2008-undetectable!!!
I was told that I would not need another BMB as long as my numbers
stay where they are!!! YIPEEEE!
3/2009 PCRU!!!! Yippee!!! Nested test not being done any longer at
6/2009 PCRU!!!! Yippee!!! Counts on Gleevec PK went up a little
bit...not too happy about that!
This past October, my PCR was undetectable again!!! My Gleevec PK was
a little raised in numbers but still okay...but I am getting some side
effects AGAIN!
This past March, 2010, I was "low traceable" which Dr. Druker says is
the same as undetectable!
June 2010-UNDETECTABLE!!! YEAH!!!!

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